============== DECISION PROBLEM -0 ================ ... initializing problem ... -- STARTING A NEW DECISION PROBLEM (DECISION PROBLEM 0) -- USER selects/sets a value: Tom for (visit0 visitor RESEARCHER) => (visit0 visitor {Tom }) USER selects/sets a value: 2/3/2004 for (visit0 visit-date DATE) *** WARNING: "2/3/2004" is not defined as one of DATE yet. *** temporarily creating an instance 2/3/2004 of type DATE => (visit0 visit-date {2/3/2004 }) USER selects/sets a value: AI-seminar for (visit0 type VISIT-TYPE) => (visit0 type {AI-seminar }) USER selects/sets a value: Jose-Luis for (visit0 host ISI-RESEARCHER) => (visit0 host {Jose-Luis }) problem specific features: 0: (visit0 activities activity1) 1: (visit0 activities activity2) 2: (visit0 activities activity3) 3: (visit0 activities activity4) 4: (visit0 activities activity5) 5: (visit0 activities activity6) 6: (visit0 activities activity7) 7: (visit0 activities activity8) 8: (visit0 activities activity9) 9: (visit0 activities activity10) 10: (visit0 visitor Tom) 11: (visit0 visit-date 2/3/2004) 12: (visit0 type AI-seminar) 13: (visit0 host Jose-Luis) -- need to decide on -- ------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY| when what who where length activity1| activity2| activity3| activity4| activity5| activity6| activity7| activity8| activity9| activity10| ------------------------------------------------------------- USER adds a source to the current problem:Arens:meeting-maker:"Arens has meetings late afternoon but is available at 15:00, 15:30" -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-4:(activity1 what ACTIVITY-TYPE) -------------------------------------------------- USER selects/sets a value: meeting => (activity1 what {meeting }) -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-5:(activity1 who ISI-RESEARCHER) -------------------------------------------------- USER selects/sets a value: Arens => (activity1 who {Arens }) -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-6:(activity1 when ACTIVITY-TIME) -------------------------------------------------- -- USER adds a source description for decision-6 -- + source-0 decision (activity1 what {meeting }) -- USER adds a source description for decision-6 -- + source-1 decision (activity1 who {Arens }) -- USER adds a source description for decision-6 -- + source-2 Arens: meeting-maker "Arens has meetings late afternoon but is available at 15:00, 15:30" [not formalized] USER chooses {15:30 } -------- source summary ----------- + source-0 (activity1 what {meeting }) + source-1 (activity1 who {Arens }) + source-2 Arens:meeting-maker:"Arens has meetings late afternoon but is available at 15:00, 15:30" ------------------------------------- => (activity1 when {15:30 }) -- CLOSING THE CURRENT DECISION PROBLEM (DECISION PROBLEM 0) -- current solution: ------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY| when what who where length activity1| {15:30 } {meeting } {Arens } activity2| activity3| activity4| activity5| activity6| activity7| activity8| activity9| activity10| ------------------------------------------------------------- ... checking temporary properties and instances if they should be permanent... These are temporary properties defined for this problem: NONE These are temporary instances defined for this problem: (DATE instance 2/3/2004) ============== DECISION PROBLEM -1 ================ ... initializing problem ... -- STARTING A NEW DECISION PROBLEM (DECISION PROBLEM 1) -- USER selects/sets a value: Ken for (visit11 visitor RESEARCHER) *** WARNING: "Ken" is not defined as one of RESEARCHER yet. *** temporarily creating an instance Ken of type RESEARCHER => (visit11 visitor {Ken }) USER selects/sets a value: 4/8/2004 for (visit11 visit-date DATE) *** WARNING: "4/8/2004" is not defined as one of DATE yet. *** temporarily creating an instance 4/8/2004 of type DATE => (visit11 visit-date {4/8/2004 }) USER selects/sets a value: AI-seminar for (visit11 type VISIT-TYPE) => (visit11 type {AI-seminar }) USER selects/sets a value: Jose-Luis for (visit11 host ISI-RESEARCHER) => (visit11 host {Jose-Luis }) problem specific features: 0: (visit11 activities activity12) 1: (visit11 activities activity13) 2: (visit11 activities activity14) 3: (visit11 activities activity15) 4: (visit11 activities activity16) 5: (visit11 activities activity17) 6: (visit11 activities activity18) 7: (visit11 activities activity19) 8: (visit11 activities activity20) 9: (visit11 activities activity21) 10: (visit11 visitor Ken) 11: (visit11 visit-date 4/8/2004) 12: (visit11 type AI-seminar) 13: (visit11 host Jose-Luis) -- need to decide on -- ------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY| when what who where length activity12| activity13| activity14| activity15| activity16| activity17| activity18| activity19| activity20| activity21| ------------------------------------------------------------- USER adds a source to the current problem:Terry:email:"Terry can do lunch" USER adds a source to the current problem:Jane:email:"Jane can meet 16:30 or 17:00" USER adds a source to the current problem:Ken:email:"Ken leaves at 18:00" USER adds a source to the current problem:Arens:meeting-maker:"Arens is available at 15:00, 17:30" USER adds a source to the current problem:Hovy:meeting-maker:"Hovy is available at 17:00" USER adds a source to the current problem:meeting-maker:"CR-1 is available at 10:30, 15:00" USER adds a source to the current problem:meeting-maker:"CR-2 is available at 10:30, 14:30" -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-4:(activity12 what ACTIVITY-TYPE) -------------------------------------------------- USER selects/sets a value: meeting => (activity12 what {meeting }) -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-5:(activity12 who ISI-RESEARCHER) -------------------------------------------------- USER selects/sets a value: Arens => (activity12 who {Arens }) -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-6:(activity12 when ACTIVITY-TIME) -------------------------------------------------- -- USER adds a source description for decision-6 -- + source-0 Arens: meeting-maker "Arens is available at 15:00, 17:30" [not formalized] -- USER adds a source description for decision-6 -- + source-1 decision (activity12 what {meeting }) -- USER adds a source description for decision-6 -- + source-2 feature (activity12 who Arens) USER chooses {15:00 } -------- source summary ----------- + source-0 Arens:meeting-maker:"Arens is available at 15:00, 17:30" + source-1 (activity12 what {meeting }) + source-2 (activity12 who Arens) ------------------------------------- => (activity12 when {15:00 }) -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-7:(activity13 what ACTIVITY-TYPE) -------------------------------------------------- USER selects/sets a value: meeting => (activity13 what {meeting }) -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-8:(activity13 who ISI-RESEARCHER) -------------------------------------------------- USER selects/sets a value: Jane => (activity13 who {Jane }) -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-9:(activity13 when ACTIVITY-TIME) -------------------------------------------------- -- USER adds a source description for decision-9 -- + source-0 decision (activity13 who {Jane }) USER creates a new fact:(Jane available-at 17:00) from a source Jane:email:"Jane can meet 16:30 or 17:00" *** WARNING: "available-at" is not defined as a property yet. *** -> temporarily creating a new property:available-at -- USER adds a source description for decision-9 -- + source-1 feature (Jane available-at 17:00) USER chooses {17:00 } -------- source summary ----------- + source-0 (activity13 who {Jane }) + source-1 (Jane available-at 17:00) ------------------------------------- => (activity13 when {17:00 }) -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-10:(activity14 what ACTIVITY-TYPE) -------------------------------------------------- USER selects/sets a value: talk => (activity14 what {talk }) -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-11:(activity14 when ACTIVITY-TIME) -------------------------------------------------- USER selects/sets a value: 10:30 => (activity14 when {10:30 }) -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-12:(activity14 where LOCATION) -------------------------------------------------- -- USER adds a source description for decision-12 -- + source-0 decision (activity14 what {talk }) -- USER adds a source description for decision-12 -- + source-1 decision (activity14 when {10:30 }) USER creates a new fact:(CR-1 available-at 10:30) from a source meeting-maker:"CR-1 is available at 10:30, 15:00" -- USER adds a source description for decision-12 -- + source-2 feature (CR-1 available-at 10:30) USER chooses {CR-1 } -------- source summary ----------- + source-0 (activity14 what {talk }) + source-1 (activity14 when {10:30 }) + source-2 (CR-1 available-at 10:30) ------------------------------------- => (activity14 where {CR-1 }) --------------------------------------------------------------- Please specify any decisions that could have been made better (specify a general description for future use) Which decision was it? :decision-9(activity13 when {17:00 }) Which options would you avoid or choose?: AVOID {17:00 } Explain why:"Jane usually leaves at 5:30pm, and she does not have enough time if there is a delay." When this kind of decision should be made? (select or enter features that describe the situation) (visit11 activities activity13) (activity13 what meeting) (activity13 who Jane) --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- This is what SYSTEM learned In deciding (ACTIVITY_0 when ACTIVITY-TIME) If (VISIT_0 activities ACTIVITY_0 ) (ACTIVITY_0 what meeting ) (ACTIVITY_0 who Jane ) Then AVOID {17:00 } because: "Jane usually leaves at 5:30pm, and she does not have enough time if there is a delay." --------------------------------------------------------------- ... if you don't agree, please modify the description above ... finding any matches with past decisions... --> no match found Confidence level of KItem-0:0.18315001 performance:0.0 recency:0.5 frequency:0.05 SYSTEM deactivates the original decision that is inconsistent with this KItem. ... Deactivating decision-9:(activity13 when {17:00 }) ... SYSTEM will not use it for checking new KItems learned ... --------------------------------------------------------------- Please specify any decisions that could have been made better (specify a general description for future use) Which decision was it? :decision-6(activity12 when {15:00 }) Which options would you avoid or choose?: CHOOSE {16:30 17:00 } Explain why:"Arens often cancels meetings and his meetings should be in the afternoon" When this kind of decision should be made? (select or enter features that describe the situation) (visit11 activities activity12) (activity12 what meeting) (activity12 who Arens) --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- This is what SYSTEM learned In deciding (ACTIVITY_0 when ACTIVITY-TIME) If (VISIT_0 activities ACTIVITY_0 ) (ACTIVITY_0 what meeting ) (ACTIVITY_0 who Arens ) Then CHOOSE {16:30 17:00 } because: "Arens often cancels meetings and his meetings should be in the afternoon" --------------------------------------------------------------- ... if you don't agree, please modify the description above ... finding any matches with past decisions... SYSTEM finds complete matches of KItem-1 with decision-6 (activity1 when {15:30 }) in decision problem episode-0 --- match tokens --- (activity1 when ACTIVITY-TIME) (visit0 activities activity1) (activity1 what meeting) (activity1 who Arens) -------------------- *** WARNING: KItem-1 is inconsistent with past Decision-6 in Decision Problem 0 *** in deciding (activity1 when ACTIVITY-TIME) where (activity1 what {meeting }) (activity1 who {Arens }) Arens:meeting-maker:"Arens has meetings late afternoon but is available at 15:00, 15:30" selected:15:30 ******************************************************************************* 15:30 is not one of the good options{16:30 17:00 } SYSTEM SUGGESTION:ignore_warning SYSTEM SUGGESTION:forget_decision SYSTEM SUGGESTION:modify_kitem "explain why 15:30 was chosen then" "when the new strategy should hold?" (select or enter features that holds only in the current situation) Confidence level of KItem-1:-0.1332 performance:-1.0 recency:0.5 frequency:0.1 USER adds comment: the strategy doesn't hold when :Arens had meetings in late afternoon USER creates a new fact:(Arens no-late-afternoon-meeting yes) *** WARNING: "no-late-afternoon-meeting" is not defined as a property yet. *** -> temporarily creating a new property:no-late-afternoon-meeting USER adding feature to KItem:(Arens no-late-afternoon-meeting yes) --------------------------------------------------------------- This is what SYSTEM learned In deciding (ACTIVITY_0 when ACTIVITY-TIME) If (VISIT_0 activities ACTIVITY_0 ) (ACTIVITY_0 what meeting ) (ACTIVITY_0 who Arens ) (Arens no-late-afternoon-meeting yes ) Then CHOOSE {16:30 17:00 } because: "Arens often cancels meetings and his meetings should be in the afternoon" and " the strategy doesn't hold when :Arens had meetings in late afternoon" --------------------------------------------------------------- ... if you don't agree, please modify the description above ... finding any matches with past decisions... --> no match found Confidence level of KItem-1:0.18315001 performance:0.0 recency:0.5 frequency:0.05 The original value was -0.1332 SYSTEM deactivates the original decision that is inconsistent with this KItem. ... Deactivating decision-6:(activity12 when {15:00 }) ... SYSTEM will not use it for checking new KItems learned ... USER creates a new fact:(Ken well-known-speaker yes) *** WARNING: "well-known-speaker" is not defined as a property yet. *** -> temporarily creating a new property:well-known-speaker --------------------------------------------------------------- Please specify any decisions that could have been made better (specify a general description for future use) Which decision was it? :decision-12(activity14 where {CR-1 }) Which options would you avoid or choose?: AVOID {CR-1 } Explain why:"when the speaker is a well-known AI researcher, we need a large room" When this kind of decision should be made? (select or enter features that describe the situation) (visit11 activities activity14) (activity14 what talk) (visit11 type AI-seminar) (visit11 visitor Ken) (Ken well-known-speaker yes) --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- This is what SYSTEM learned In deciding (ACTIVITY_0 where LOCATION) If (VISIT_0 activities ACTIVITY_0 ) (ACTIVITY_0 what talk ) (VISIT_0 type AI-seminar ) (VISIT_0 visitor Ken ) (Ken well-known-speaker yes ) Then AVOID {CR-1 } because: "when the speaker is a well-known AI researcher, we need a large room" --------------------------------------------------------------- ... if you don't agree, please modify the description above USER asks for generalizations of an obj:condition:3 field:2 -- Ken SYSTEM shows RESEARCHER_0 USER chooses an object:RESEARCHER_0 USER asks for generalizations of an obj:condition:4 field:0 -- Ken SYSTEM shows RESEARCHER_0 RESEARCHER_1 USER chooses an object:RESEARCHER_0 --------------------------------------------------------------- This is what SYSTEM learned In deciding (ACTIVITY_0 where LOCATION) If (VISIT_0 activities ACTIVITY_0 ) (ACTIVITY_0 what talk ) (VISIT_0 type AI-seminar ) (VISIT_0 visitor RESEARCHER_0 ) (RESEARCHER_0 well-known-speaker yes ) Then AVOID {CR-1 } because: "when the speaker is a well-known AI researcher, we need a large room" --------------------------------------------------------------- ... if you don't agree, please modify the description above ... finding any matches with past decisions... --> no match found Confidence level of KItem-2:0.18315001 performance:0.0 recency:0.5 frequency:0.05 SYSTEM deactivates the original decision that is inconsistent with this KItem. ... Deactivating decision-12:(activity14 where {CR-1 }) ... SYSTEM will not use it for checking new KItems learned ... -- CLOSING THE CURRENT DECISION PROBLEM (DECISION PROBLEM 1) -- current solution: ------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY| when what who where length activity12| {15:00 } {meeting } {Arens } activity13| {17:00 } {meeting } {Jane } activity14| {10:30 } {talk } {CR-1 } activity15| activity16| activity17| activity18| activity19| activity20| activity21| ------------------------------------------------------------- ... checking temporary properties and instances if they should be permanent... These are temporary properties defined for this problem: {available-at no-late-afternoon-meeting well-known-speaker } These are temporary instances defined for this problem: (RESEARCHER instance Ken) (DATE instance 4/8/2004) USER defines property available-at permanently. USER defines property well-known-speaker permanently. USER defines property no-late-afternoon-meeting permanently. ============== DECISION PROBLEM -2 ================ ... initializing problem ... -- STARTING A NEW DECISION PROBLEM (DECISION PROBLEM 2) -- USER selects/sets a value: Ray for (visit22 visitor RESEARCHER) => (visit22 visitor {Ray }) USER selects/sets a value: 6/8/2004 for (visit22 visit-date DATE) *** WARNING: "6/8/2004" is not defined as one of DATE yet. *** temporarily creating an instance 6/8/2004 of type DATE => (visit22 visit-date {6/8/2004 }) USER selects/sets a value: AI-seminar for (visit22 type VISIT-TYPE) => (visit22 type {AI-seminar }) USER selects/sets a value: Jose-Luis for (visit22 host ISI-RESEARCHER) => (visit22 host {Jose-Luis }) problem specific features: 0: (visit22 activities activity23) 1: (visit22 activities activity24) 2: (visit22 activities activity25) 3: (visit22 activities activity26) 4: (visit22 activities activity27) 5: (visit22 activities activity28) 6: (visit22 activities activity29) 7: (visit22 activities activity30) 8: (visit22 activities activity31) 9: (visit22 activities activity32) 10: (visit22 visitor Ray) 11: (visit22 visit-date 6/8/2004) 12: (visit22 type AI-seminar) 13: (visit22 host Jose-Luis) -- need to decide on -- ------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY| when what who where length activity23| activity24| activity25| activity26| activity27| activity28| activity29| activity30| activity31| activity32| ------------------------------------------------------------- USER adds a source to the current problem:Ray:email:"Ray that he leaves early" USER adds a source to the current problem:Jane:email:"Jane can meet 14:00 or 17:00" USER adds a source to the current problem:Arens:meeting-maker:"Arens is available at 14:30, 17:00" USER adds a source to the current problem:Hovy:meeting-maker:"Hovy is available at 17:00" USER adds a source to the current problem:meeting-maker:"CR-1 is available at 10:30, 14:00" USER adds a source to the current problem:meeting-maker:"CR-3 is available at 10:30" -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-4:(activity23 what ACTIVITY-TYPE) -------------------------------------------------- USER selects/sets a value: talk => (activity23 what {talk }) -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-5:(activity23 when ACTIVITY-TIME) -------------------------------------------------- USER selects/sets a value: 10:30 => (activity23 when {10:30 }) -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-6:(activity23 where LOCATION) -------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM finds candidate facts from partial matches with KItems .. Is this true?(Ray well-known-speaker yes) USER adds a fact: (Ray well-known-speaker yes) SYSTEM finds complete matches of KItem-2 with decision-6 (activity23 where {}) in decision problem episode-2 --- match tokens --- (activity23 where LOCATION) (visit22 activities activity23) (activity23 what talk) (visit22 type AI-seminar) (visit22 visitor Ray) (Ray well-known-speaker yes) -------------------- SYSTEM reports a matching KItem-2 for this decision Confidence level of KItem-2:0.19116667 performance:0.0 recency:0.5 frequency:0.074074075 The original value was 0.18315001 USER puts + sign for KItem-2: AVOID {CR-1 }"when the speaker is a well-known AI researcher, we need a large room" Confidence level of KItem-2:0.5241667 performance:1.0 recency:0.5 frequency:0.074074075 The original value was 0.19116667 -- USER adds a source description for decision-6 -- + source-1 feature (activity23 what talk) -- USER adds a source description for decision-6 -- + source-2 feature (activity23 when 10:30) USER creates a new fact:(CR-3 available-at 10:30) from a source meeting-maker:"CR-3 is available at 10:30" -- USER adds a source description for decision-6 -- + source-3 feature (CR-3 available-at 10:30) USER chooses {CR-3 } -------- source summary ----------- + source-0 KItem-2: AVOID {CR-1 }"when the speaker is a well-known AI researcher, we need a large room" + source-1 (activity23 what talk) + source-2 (activity23 when 10:30) + source-3 (CR-3 available-at 10:30) ------------------------------------- => (activity23 where {CR-3 }) -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-7:(activity24 what ACTIVITY-TYPE) -------------------------------------------------- USER selects/sets a value: meeting => (activity24 what {meeting }) -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-8:(activity24 who ISI-RESEARCHER) -------------------------------------------------- USER selects/sets a value: Jane => (activity24 who {Jane }) -------- USER Starts decision on -------------- decision-9:(activity24 when ACTIVITY-TIME) -------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM finds complete matches of KItem-0 with decision-9 (activity24 when {}) in decision problem episode-2 --- match tokens --- (activity24 when ACTIVITY-TIME) (visit22 activities activity24) (activity24 what meeting) (activity24 who Jane) -------------------- SYSTEM reports a matching KItem-0 for this decision Confidence level of KItem-0:0.1887 performance:0.0 recency:0.5 frequency:0.06666667 The original value was 0.18315001 USER puts - sign for KItem-0: AVOID {17:00 }"Jane usually leaves at 5:30pm, and she does not have enough time if there is a delay." *** WARNING: KItem-0matched but not used! *** SYSTEM SUGGESTION:ignore_warning SYSTEM SUGGESTION:deactivate_kitem SYSTEM SUGGESTION:modify_decision Confidence level of KItem-0:-0.1443 performance:-1.0 recency:0.5 frequency:0.06666667 The original value was 0.1887 USER adds comment: Jane no longer needs to leave at 5pm. USER asks to deactivate KItem0 ... Deactivating KItem-0: AVOID {17:00 }"Jane usually leaves at 5:30pm, and she does not have enough time if there is a delay." and " Jane no longer needs to leave at 5pm." ... SYSTEM will not use it for checking new decisions ... USER creates a new fact:(Jane available-at 17:00) from a source Jane:email:"Jane can meet 14:00 or 17:00" -- USER adds a source description for decision-9 -- + source-1 feature (Jane available-at 17:00) USER chooses {17:00 } -------- source summary ----------- - source-0 KItem-0: AVOID {17:00 }"Jane usually leaves at 5:30pm, and she does not have enough time if there is a delay." and " Jane no longer needs to leave at 5pm." + source-1 (Jane available-at 17:00) ------------------------------------- => (activity24 when {17:00 }) -- CLOSING THE CURRENT DECISION PROBLEM (DECISION PROBLEM 2) -- current solution: ------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY| when what who where length activity23| {10:30 } {talk } {CR-3 } activity24| {17:00 } {meeting } {Jane } activity25| activity26| activity27| activity28| activity29| activity30| activity31| activity32| ------------------------------------------------------------- ... checking temporary properties and instances if they should be permanent... These are temporary properties defined for this problem: NONE These are temporary instances defined for this problem: (DATE instance 6/8/2004)