Privacy Protection through Computational Workflows











While there is a plethora of mechanisms to ensure lawful access to privacy-protected data, additional research is required in order to reassure individuals that their personal data is being used for the purpose that they consented to. This is particularly important in the context of new data mining approaches, as used, for instance, in biomedical research and commercial data mining. In this project we investigate the use of computational workflows to ensure and enforce appropriate use of sensitive personal data. Computational workflows describe in a declarative manner the data processing steps and the expected results of complex data analysis processes such as data mining. We see workflows as an artifact that captures, among other things, how data is being used and for what purpose. We therefore believe that computational workflow systems are a good starting point and could be extended to support a variety of privacy related tasks including:

  • Ensuring compliance of a data analysis system with specified privacy policies before enabling execution and during execution via monitoring.
  • Assisting users to comply with required privacy policies by selecting data analysis workflows that comply with those policies for the datasets to be analyzed.
  • Enabling transparency of data analysis systems that use sensitive information, including the generation of detailed provenance trails.
  • Supporting accountability with respect to the appropriate use of data in compliance with privacy policies.
  • Supporting negotiation and relaxation of privacy policies as well as access to data, by providing evidence for the ``need to know'' of sensitive data and, conversely, the ability to identify opportunities for an increase in privacy where such measures do not aversly affect quality.
More specifically, we are extending the Wings Workflow System.

Reasoning about Privacy Policies in Wings

We created a prototype of a workflow system that checks privacy policies for workflows based on Wings. The workflows describe how data is used in terms of how it is analyzed and processed. To exemplify applications that could raise privacy concerns regarding use, we modeled data mining algorithms that could be used as workflow steps, called components, and created semantic representations of data and workflows that use those components. Both, components and data were described in OWL/RDF.

We first defined a component catalog that contained a range of data mining algorithms as well as privacy preservation techniques. The catalog was not meant to be exhaustive, but rather be representative of the kinds of algorithms that are relevant to reasoning about privacy. Data mining algorithms included clustering methods (e.g., k-means, Gaussian mixture models), manifold learning (e.g., GTM), and classification (e.g., SVM). Privacy preservation techniques were divided into two subclasses: per attribute and per dataset. The former had several subclasses including anonymization, perturbation, and encryption. The class of privacy preservation techniques per dataset included generalization algorithms such as k-anonymity.

We also defined a data ontology with semantic representations of datasets, which essentially provided a meta-data vocabulary that we could use to reason about how datasets are transformed by the workflow components upon execution. Roughly, attributes of datasets had associated properties that expressed whether the attributes were protected by privacy preservation methods (e.g., whether they were anonymized). In addition, domain-specific ontologies were used to express the use that was authorized by the individuals when the data was collected. Using this data ontology, we populated a {\em data catalog} with initial datasets and specified meta-data attributes and values using the ontology. Finally, we defined workflows whose computational steps were elements of the component catalog and whose input datasets were elements of the data catalog. We defined rules that would represent reasonable constraints to address privacy protection. Each rule had a context that referred to the condition where the underlying policy was relevant, so that the policy applied only if this condition was satisfied, and a set of requirements that represented non-amendable conditions under which the use of data was required or not allowed.

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