
This tutorial provides a walkthrough of the unique capabilities of autoTS. autoTS is based on the WINGS workflow system, which uses semantic constraints to reason about workflows and as a result it can assist a user to create valid workflow.

To learn the basics about running workflows in WINGS, follow this tutorial.

Table of content

Running a workflow in autoTS

autoTS comes with several abstract templates for the analysis of time series data. These templates represent strategies used by researchers to analyze their data that can be instantiated with various methods. An example of a workflow strategy for spectral analysis is presented below:


The methods are available through the Pyleoclim Python package.

WINGS-access templates

WINGS Template page

WINGS Workflow

Accessing your results

WINGS results page

WINGS results page

Uploading data

WINGS results page

Data Folder.

A TimeSeriesJSON data type is essentially a Series object in Pyleoclim. You can create a JSON file from a Series object using the utilities in Pyleoclim.

Uploading a data file

A dialogue box will appear. Click Add File and select the file on your local machine. Then click Upload. Your timeseries is ready to use!