Welcome to the EXPECT Project!
EXPECT is an environment for developing knowledge-based systems
that includes knowledge acquisition tools to extend and modify
knowledge bases.

a recent overview of our work,
which won Best Paper at the Intelligent User Interfaces 2001 conference.
Other recent publications:
Knowledge Analysis on Process Models,
Jihie Kim and Yolanda Gil,
To appear in Proceedings of the Seventeenth International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI-2001), Seattle, WA, August 2001.
Integrating Expectations to Support End Users to Acquire
Procedural Knowledge,
Jim Blythe,
To appear in Proceedings of the Seventeenth International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI-2001), Seattle, WA, August 2001.
Electric Elves:
Applying Agent Technology to Support Human Organizations,
H. Chalupsky, Y. Gil, C. A. Knoblock, K. Lerman, J. Oh,
D. V. Pynadath, T. A. Russ, and M. Tambe.
To appear in Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference
of Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence
(IAAI-2001), Seattle, WA, August 2001.
See a Quicktime
about the EXPECT project.
Check our our new project Trellis
For more information about EXPECT, send mail to expect@isi.edu.
About EXPECT |
Research |
Projects |
Project Members | Publications | Movie |
| Intelligent Systems
Division | Information Sciences
Institute | USC |