- "User Interfaces with Semi-Formal Representations: a Study of Designing Argumentation Structures", Timothy Chklovski, Varun Ratnakar, Yolanda Gil. In Proceedings of Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI05). 2005, San Diego
- "Incremental Formalization of Document Annotations through Ontology-based Paraphrasing", Jim Blythe, Yolanda Gil. In Proceedings of the International World Wide Web Conference (WWW-2004), 17-22 May, 2004, New York, NY, USA
- "TRELLIS: Supporting Decision Making via Argumentation in the Semantic Web", Timothy Chklovski, Yolanda Gil, Varun Ratnakar, John Lee. In Proceedings of 2nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2003), Web. (Short paper). 20-23 October 2003, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA
- TRELLIS: An Interactive Tool for Capturing Information Analysis and Decision Making, Yolanda Gil, Varun Ratnakar. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Siguenza, Spain, October 1-4, 2002.
- "Trusting Information Sources One Citizen at a Time", Yolanda Gil, Varun Ratnakar. In Proceedings of the First International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Sardinia, Italy, June 2002 : 162-176
- A Comparison of (Semantic) Markup Languages,, Varun Ratnakar, Yolanda Gil. In Proceedings of the 15th International FLAIRS Conference, Special Track on Semantic Web, Pensacola, FL, May 2002.
- "Knowledge Mobility: Semantics for the Web as a White Knight for Knowledge-Based Systems", Yolanda Gil. In "Spinning the Semantic Web", D.Fensel, J. Hendler, H. Lieberman, W. Whalster(Eds), MIT Press